Elizabeth Shwal
- October 17, 2018
Burial Mount Lebanon Cemetery 7800 Myrtle Ave, Glendale, NY 11385 Friday, October 19, 2018
Dr. Sharon Brennan
- August 7, 2018
Dr. Sharon Brennan died in her home on August 7, 2018, at age 76. She is survived by three sisters and a loving family of nieces and nephews. She was a distinguished physiologist who dedicated her life to helping families and children. A memorial service will be held at Crestwood Funeral Home on August 24 from 11 AM - 1 PM at 445 W 43 St and a funeral Mass at St Ignatius Loyola, 980 Park Ave. on A
Scott Anthony Reale M.D.
- December 23, 2017
REALE--Scott Anthony, M.D., of NYC passed on December 23, 2017 from brain cancer and is survived by his parents, Susan and Tony Reale of Hershey, PA; Kelley Nahodil (George) of Palmyra, PA; Chris Reale (Melissa) of Manhasset, NY; adored nephews Ryan and Joshua Nahodil; Julian, Sebastian, and Adrian Reale and preceded in death by his brother, Nicholas Reale (1967-2002). A graduate of the Sackler S
Gloria Hill
March 8, 1937 - November 2, 2017
HILL-Gloria, age 80 of Hell's Kitchen, NY, NY passed away at her home on Thursday, November 2nd. Gloria was born March 8, 1937 and worked for over 50 years on Broadway with the last 20+ years as the Chief Usher at the Palace Theatre. She was a beloved sister, mother, grandmother and great grandmother as well as a friend to many others. Visitation will be held from 2 to 9 P.M. Sunday, 11/5 at the
K. Lype O’Dell
- November 2, 2017
O'DELL--K. Lype, 1939-2017, actor and stage doorman, passed away quietly on November 2nd. Memorial Service to be held Saturday, November 11, 11am, at Crestwood Funeral Chapel, 445 West 43rd Street.
Ann Smith
- January 1, 2010
Ann passed away on Friday, January 1, 2010. Ann was a resident of New York, New York.