Put Your Family’s Mind at Ease…

Family on Beach - Decorative

Preplanning makes it easier on your family during their time of grief.

Today, more people are recognizing that planning ahead provides peace of mind and demonstrates love and consideration for their loved ones.

Preplanning helps to reduce or eliminate indecision, uncertainty and financial burden when death occurs. A carefully preplanned service can be the most comforting to your family, as it spares them from having to face decisions that can be both emotionally and financially difficult at the time of death. It can give them lasting peace of mind to know that they have acted in accordance with your wishes.

Online Pre-Need Form

Fill Out Our Pre-Need Form to get starting with Advance Planning options.

Online At-Need Form

Fill Out Our online form for immediate needs.

Advance Planning also gives you the opportunity to design a more personalized service. When someone dies, their family is sometimes unprepared and feel rushed and confused. Preplanning allows you to make clearer decisions with less pressure and in a more organized fashion.

At the end of someone’s life, it is an inspiration to see the countless number of lives they have touched. A funeral can be a time to grieve, to share, and to remember. Advance Planning can be discussed at any age and plans can be easily amended as your preferences or circumstances change.


10 Reasons To PrePlan

Guaranteed Price
All funeral home service charges, livery and merchandise items are price guaranteed as per the terms of the New York PRE PLAN contract.

New York State Law requires 100% of your money be deposited in a special trust fund. All accounts are fully insured to the extent permitted by law by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

You can make preneed funeral arrangements in our funeral home or in the comfort, privacy and security of your own home.

Substantial Savings
You decide now what type of arrangements you want and how much you want to spend… at a time when decisions will be made calmly and intelligently.

In the event you move from N.Y.C., your preneed funeral contract is fully transferable to any other funeral home or is fully refundable.

You can modify your preneed funeral contract at any time … without penalty.

No Health or Age Restrictions
Our preneed program is not insurance funded. You can participate in this program regardless of your age or health status.

Our dedicated Pre-need counselors
Our professional counselors are dedicated exclusively to serving the needs of preneed families … we will explain all of your options and benefits in a relaxed, stress-free environment.

Eliminate Doubts
Spare your family the emotional stress of making decisions during a difficult time. A preneed funeral arrangement records your exact wishes – consider it the final gift for those you love.

Peace of Mind
Responsible estate planning requires many considerations. A preneed funeral contract offers your family inflation protection. Also, you’ll be secure in knowing that you have spared your loved ones added stress, worry, anxiety and expense by prearranging your funeral in writing.

The people who love you will be there for you to the end. Here’s a way to make it easier on them. With PrePlan™, you can arrange and pay for the funeral that someone is going to have to plan and pay for. PrePlan makes it easier on the people who love you.

PrePlan assures choice, confidence, comfort and convenience with the safety and the peace of mind to know that your investment is safe in FDIC insured securities.

New York PrePlan™ Features:

  • Your account is administered by the New York State Funeral Directors Association and supervised by the New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Funeral Directing.
  • An individual account is held in the purchaser’s name, and insured by the FDIC.
  • Revocable contracts are fully refundable to purchaser with all accrued interest.
  • Irrevocable contracts can be written to comply with NY State regulations regarding SSI/Medicaid eligibility.
  • Irrevocable contracts can be transferred to any funeral provider in the USA.
  • The PrePlan™ account earns a very competitive rate of interest which enables us to guarantee the price of a funeral by using the interest to cover future increases in our costs.

Personal Guidance…

At Crestwood, our directors are personally involved with each pre-arrangement. When allowing us to discuss pre-planning, you will be speaking with professional people who provide funeral services tailored to your specific needs. We can arrange for a confidential PrePlan conference, at your convenience, with a member of our staff. There is no charge and no obligation for this meeting.

PrePlan allows you to make all of your final arrangements ahead of time -including payment – so that the people who love you won’t have to. PrePlan makes preplanning simple and safe. This is how it works:

  1. You meet with our funeral director.
  2. You select the funeral and merchandise of your choice.
  3. You receive a fully itemized statement and preneed agreement.
  4. You give the funeral director your personal check.
  5. PrePlan funds are placed in FDIC-insured Certificates of Deposit. Each trust fund depositor is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
  6. You receive a deposit acknowledgment after the account has been opened.
  7. Upon completion of your funeral, PrePlan sends the payment to the funeral director.


Contact Us today to discuss your Advanced Planning needs.

Simple Cremation

There are lots of options when it comes to cremation, including memorial services and more.

Clientele Testimonials

See what they have said about their experiences with Crestwood.

Forms and Documents

Many of our services require forms for city and state regulations. We are pleased to provide those forms in electronic format to our clientele.

Our Funeral Directors

Our funeral directors will guide you in your arrangements so that your cost will be within your means and that the service that you plan will be meaningful.

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