Obituary of William J. Ansorge
January 2, 2025
In lieu of flowers, if you would like to honor Will's dedication to relieving the suffering of children, please consider these organizations:
Children's International: https://www.children.org/learn-more
My Stuff Bags: https://mystuffbags.org/who-we-are/#mission
5:00 PM ~ 8:00 PM Visitation for family and friends.
Eulogies and livestream to begin at 6:00 PM.
Funeral Services
January 17, 2025
5:00 to 8:00 PM
Crestwood Funeral Home
445 W. 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036
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Hello- Thank you so much for your interest in Will. Each one of us has memories of him but we don't have each other's memories. Now that there will be no new memories, it would be great if each of us could share a memory of Will with each other. One sentence will do. If you have the same memory that someone else has, no problem. I'd just like to preserve our experiences of Will as much and as broadly as possible. These are trying times. Every example of good helps us. Peace, Jeannie
Posted by: Jean Donnelly, Ph.D. - New York, NY - Spouse January 16, 2025
We had many lively chats over time, including a discussion of Les-Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer in France, which I had visited years before Jean and Will's trip there, so that we then could share pleasant experiences from a really special place abroad.
Posted by: Rosanne F. - New York, New York - Neighbor January 17, 2025