Obituary of Carole Ulrich-Fromer
April 7, 2021
On April 7, 2021, at 7:24 PM, Carole Ulrich-Fromer left us to carry-on on our own. While the glow of her light has dimmed, her incandescence remains, leaving an indelible impression on the lives of all she touched.
A child of modest beginnings, she always yearned for more – the glitter and glamor of an enviable social life, the company of princes and kings – to experience the exotic and mundane and to touch the four corners of the globe -all of which she succeeded in doing. But amidst all that want for excitement, there was a part of her that remained unfulfilled – a piece and a peace that the 'party' never brought her. From her earliest years her mother aptly characterized who Carole was, when she said, "For you, life has got to be a constant 3-ring circus." But we'll never know whether that drive for endless activity and novelty was meant to 'bring on the clowns' or to shut out the noise.
Her life was that of a coat of many colors, embroidered with a myriad of interests, but only sampled like a butterfly sipping a bloom's nectar and then flitting on to the next. She plied her creative talents as a successful interior designer, a talented artist, and sundry other In Memoriampursuits. But what animated her the most and brought her the greatest joy, were her friends, her dog, and sunsets.
Always searching for new projects to occupy her fertile imagination, she generously gave of her time and energy to causes that touched her. And if that cause happened to be what she saw as a friend in need, she never hesitated to reach out and offer support.
Though she is gone, we can take solace in the fact that she was loved, will be remembered – and that we had the opportunity to share fleeting moments of our own lives with a truly unique individual.
A memorial gathering honoring Carole is planned for some time during the next several weeks. You will be notified about the date, time, and location.
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My Carole, oh, my Carole. Loved you so much, my darling friend. May you walk with the saints and find the spirits and souls of those who had touched your life and you theirs. Monti
Posted by: Joseph Montanez - Las Vegas, NV - April 12, 2021
She brought joy and laughter to new heights. Thank you Carole. You and your love, Michael, will be missed.
Posted by: Christine Jones - NY, - April 28, 2021
Dear Carole, where ever you are I wanted to thank you for all those great moments we shared together.
You ll always be a part of my life.
I ll miss you
Take care
Posted by: Bouti Chraibi - Rabat, Morocco, - August 3, 2021
Carole and I were great friends in the '80's and '90's, enjoying way too many late nights in NY city's club scene. We were so very different, that people who started getting to know us would often ask in astonishment "You two are friends?"
Life took us in different directions... Carole got married, and I became an accidental designer and was traveling showing my jewelry for 14 years. We reconnected... were even more different than we realized... and still enjoyed each other.
Tonight I called to say hello, catch up after too long, only to find a disconnected phone, and ... yeah... it was too long.
How I long for one more laugh with Carole. Pick up the phone and call someone you love today.
Posted by: Jane Gordon - New York, NY - January 22, 2022